Winds weren’t nearly as strong as they were this morning, but I’ll take what I can get. Even a slight tailwind makes the rides home…
Cycling commutes
Winds weren’t nearly as strong as they were this morning, but I’ll take what I can get. Even a slight tailwind makes the rides home…
Nothing worse than getting ready to hit the road to find you have a flat. I thought I’d fixed my punctured tube yesterday, but I…
Mercury definitely starting to climb. Was a little delayed leaving work which was nice because it cooled down a little before leaving. The ride was…
Beautiful way to wrap up the week. Weather was just about perfect; temperature, winds, clouds, everything. Just had an absolute blast riding in. Clear sky,…
This afternoon was proof positive that the weatherman can’t forecast the weather. They were talking winds up to 30 MPH this afternoon! I was so…
Almost chilly enough for arm warmers, but once I got down the hill I started to warm up nicely. Riding into a headwind helped get…
Wish every ride home was as nice as this one today was. Just a touch on the chilly side, but a wonderful tailwind to guide…
Quite the chilly ride considering we’re knocking on May. Then again there is talk of triple digits later this week. I’ll take arm warmers in…
A nice evening cruise home tonight. The weather was beautiful. Not too hot, not too cold. Took it nice and easy choosing a nice steady…
Another beautiful morning for a ride in to work. Really tried to take it nice and easy because I want some legs left over for…